Webinar Recap: Tell Me You Buy Chicken Sausage Without Telling Me You Buy Chicken Sausage

Discover how Johnsonville, Recollective and GLJ Research brought fresh ideas and agile strategies to qualitative research. Catch the highlights from our recent webinar!

In a recent Recollective webinar, we explored how Johnsonville, a global sausage company based in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, navigated the complexities of integrating a new chicken sausage brand into its portfolio using a blend of innovative technologies and qualitative research methods. 

The session featured insights from Karen Kraft, Associate Director of Consumer Insights & Analytics at Johnsonville, Gail Joseph, Founder and Principal at GLJ Research LLC, and Laura Pulito, Vice President of Research at Recollective. They shared how Johnsonville leveraged the Recollective platform to gain a deep understanding of its customers and seamlessly integrate the new brand.

Background: Navigating a New Acquisition

In 2020, Johnsonville acquired Gilbert’s, a family-owned chicken sausage brand. Due to the company’s small size and the timing of the acquisition during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gilbert’s lacked comprehensive consumer insights, leaving Johnsonville without a clear understanding of its new customer base. 

By 2023, Johnsonville began its journey towards understanding Gilbert’s consumer base, setting the stage for a deep dive into consumer insights to position Gilbert’s effectively in the market. The team’s research objectives focused on gaining deep consumer insights, understanding consumer values and evaluating Gilbert’s brand uniqueness. 

Research Methodology: A Deep Dive into Consumer Preferences

GLJ Research designed the study using their Target 3D Profiler methodology, integrating it with Recollective’s platform for a seamless research process. The study combined asynchronous activities with live in-depth interviews to achieve a thorough view of consumer attitudes.  

Recollective’s platform played a key role, offering quick turnaround times and the ability to engage multiple stakeholders remotely. Recollective was pivotal in meeting the needs of both Johnsonville and GLJ Research, streamlining the research process and delivering valuable insights.

Key Takeaways: Enhancing Research Efficiency

The webinar highlighted the success of this approach and showcased how Recollective’s AI tools made data analysis and reporting smoother and more effective. The research team was impressed with the Recollective platform’s efficiency and the valuable insights they achieved. With these insights, Johnsonville is set to refine Gilbert’s market position and expand their research efforts even further.

Don’t miss out – watch the full webinar replay below to learn more about Johnsonville’s journey and innovative research approach!


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