Our New Website and New Corporate Name!

Today we’re launching a new website - and we’re changing our corporate name from Ramius Corporation to Recollective Inc.

As Recollective continues to grow quickly, we’ve been seeking every opportunity to optimize and streamline all aspects of our business to allow us to continue to aggressively advance our industry-leading software while supporting all our customers in an unparalleled manner. Our efforts include being much more proactive in our marketing. Following the redesign of our Recollective logo earlier this year, we are excited to launch our new Recollective.com website today as a key part of these efforts.

With this new informational website, we hope to achieve a number of key objectives. We want this new site to do a better job than its predecessor of helping visitors to better understand what Recollective is, why it’s relevant to them, how it works, and how we as a company can work with them to ensure their success. I welcome you to visit the site and would love to hear what you think of it.

We are also renaming our corporate entity today to match our software offering. Our corporate name is changing to Recollective Inc. from Ramius Corporation. While our name is changing, our legal status, office address, and contact details will remain the same. Our business remains unaffected by this change and all contracts with existing customers will remain unaltered, with corresponding obligations and rights assumed under our new name.

We look forward to continuing to provide our innovative online research software and world class customer care under our new name.

Thank you for your continued support.

Alfred Jay
Founder & CEO

Alfred Jay
Founder & CEO

Let's research happy together