Why Online Makes Sense

Online qualitative research has many advantages over traditional methods. Using Recollective, learn how to make the case to your customers to switch.


Today’s fast-paced environment demands an approach that provides faster insights to keep pace with constantly changing market trends and consumer preferences. Daily life trends more and more toward digital and online each day, shifting how our culture interacts with brands, each other and the environment around us. It’s imperative for companies to bring new technologies and techniques into play that connect with their target audiences in a way that mirrors their everyday life.

In this article, we’ll discuss in detail some of the key benefits we see of running online qualitative studies, including:

  • Precision and Reach - for example, rather than traveling market to market, online approaches enable researchers to span large geographic regions and provides a wider pool of participants to choose from.
  • Convenience and Engagement - asynchronous online research gives participants the opportunity to choose how and when they engage with a research study using whatever device they prefer. That results in higher participation rates, more timely participation and better quality responses.
  • Customized Environment and Experience - With careful task planning and instructions, online researchers can create custom environments and experiences for individual participants creating the feeling of inclusion and personalization at the same time. Compared to what can often feel like a forced interaction between strangers in an unnatural setting in a traditional research facility, online researchers are able to uncover more genuine insights because the audience is engaged in an environment that is familiar and comfortable - their home.
  • Mix of independent and "group think" - unlike traditional approaches to research, online communities allow researchers the opportunity to use a mix of methods to engage with their audience which cannot easily be built into focus groups or in-depth interviews alone.
  • Client visibility and engagement - direct access to the feedback and results, plus the ability to provide input to the moderators more readily than in focus groups or in-depth interviews make online the perfect approach to enhance client engagement.
  • Adaptability, Speed and Value - using an online method, it's far easier for researchers to adapt on the fly to explore hot topics uncovered once in field, explore issues that fall outside of the immediate brief, or take a new course of action to gain additional perspective

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Why Online Makes Sense

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