Recollective for Independent Researchers

Discover how independent researchers use Recollective to run online qual studies, reduce time and achieve better engagement - all while saving money.


As an independent researcher, you can do a lot for your clients, but may not have the resources to do everything yourself. In this article, discover how Recollective and our Research Services can serve as an extension of your team to help you do even more for your clients.

The summary article describes some of the suite of time saving platform tools and our range of support offerings that you can take advantage of at any point throughout the research process.

Save Time

70% of Recollective Projects are in and out of field in less than a week. Time-saving features such as automatically-generated video transcripts, instantly updated charts and interactive world clouds, in-browser saving and coding of verbatims can all help you to quickly spot themes, provide meaningful top-line summaries to end clients and inform further enquiries.

Get Results

The average response rate in a short term research project using Recollective is over 80%. By choosing from standard and journaling activities you can engage participants in meaningful exercises that they enjoy. Add in forum-style discussions and live chats to further foster collaboration and socialized feedback to uncover insights that meet your client’s specific needs.

Do More

Replace multiple providers with an all-in-one platform solution that can be used for more than 10 different research applications across multiple online methodologies. Popular examples include concept, product and ad testing, consumer exploration and experience, diary and journaling, digital ethnography and IDIs, innovation, ideation and co-creation work.

Work Together

Whether you have a specific question, require assistance programming or need recruitment info - we are in this together! Our knowledge base and support options are free and available to all customers to quickly resolve any issues. You can also become a certified on Recollective

Select a resource below to find out how Recollective can support you as an independent researcher and help take your online qualitative projects to the next level.

Recollective for Independent Researchers

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